Popular or Nerd?

People think they are the nerd, or that they are the popular, if you have a hard time being a nerd, or a hard time being popular, you might find out your true potential..

ARE YOU A "Nerd or Popular"??? Do you wonder why you cant be a nerd to become popular? You may find your solution here! You may be the popular or the nerd FINALLY!

Created by: NaauandRoseia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like school?
  2. Do you text often, or play games?
  3. If your friends/your date cheats on someone else?
  4. Do you eat candy?
  5. What do you do at lunch time?
  6. Are you shy at school?
  7. Are you rich?
  8. When do you do your homework?
  9. Do you wear makeup? (Nail polish, lip stick, etc..)
  10. LAST QUESTION!! How many dates have you gone on? (Final results)

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