Pony Club Secrets Quiz :)

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Have you ever wondered really how much you know about the amazing Pony Club Secrets Series?If you have ,then here is a quiz to help to find out!(Here’s a clue:Blaze’s foal’s name begins with an “s”.)

This quiz is a bit short I know ,sorry.I had to write two paragraphs for this test and I don’t know what to write to be honest .Blablabla horse?Ok ,done.

Created by: Horseface Nickers
  1. Who was Issie’s first horse?
  2. How does Mystic die?
  3. Who was Issie’s second horse?
  4. How did Blaze die?
  5. What breed is Blaze?
  6. Who is Blaze’s foal?
  7. What does Storm get bored doing?
  8. What happens to Storm in Nightstorm and the Grand Slam that needed a vet?
  9. Does Victory survive a broken leg?(I cried when I read the part when it broke and I realised it before Issie.DX)
  10. Who does Issie marry?
  11. What did Issie call the newborn foal at the end of Nightstorm and the Grand Slam?
  12. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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