Poll: What do you call Loki's son by Sigyn? …

Not many people have heard of Loki's sons by his wife Sigyn. Those who have are in constant debate over their names. And it doesn't help that Snorri Sturluson refers to the children as "Vali and Nari or Narfi". In this poll, you can say what you call the brothers. The options are: Nari and Narvi, Nari and Narfi, Nari and Vali, Vali and Narvi, Vali and Narfi, Other and I haven't heard of them. I may have missed a few out, but hopefully not. And if I've forgotten yours, feel free to message me and I can add it right away!

What do you call Loki's son by Sigyn?

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by EnidHB

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