Poll: Favourite Norse God(dess) - Part II …

This poll is the second part of a survey asking who your favourite Norse God(dess) is. This may be who you feel more connected to, who you worship more, who has helped you the most or who you enjoy learning about the most. The options are: Eir, Fulla, Skadi, Njord, idunn, Bragi, Forseti, Sol, Mani, Vidar, Vali, and Other. If you don't know or they aren't listed here, please select Other. Similarly if your answer is on the next or previous part, please pick Other. I know that I've left quite a few out, but I will be doing a third one, don't worry! I just included the gods and goddesses who came to mind first.

Favourite Norse God(dess) - Part II

See Results
by EnidHB

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