Mitt Romney vs. The Public | 2012 Presidential Issues

Public Opinion on Mitt Romney's Positions On The Issues

Mitt Romney, Republican candidate

Below you will find the statements from our Mitt Romney vs Barack Obama quiz that take the Mitt Romney side of the issues. The statements were chosen to be as comprehensive as possible, touching on topics ranging from health care, to foreign policy, to taxes and economics, to social issues. Answering affirmatively ("thumbs up") to these statements puts you further in Romney's corner. Quiz-takers were able to nuance their answers based on how much or little they agree that Romney's position is good or workable. Below you will see the average response that each statement received from thousands of visitors. This data can change over time as more people submit their answers. The numbering reflects how the statements appear in the quiz. You can also see Obama on the issues.

Romney has received 0 "thumbs up" from the quiz-taking public out of a possible 28.

The number you see next to each arrow is the average approval rating each statement received.

1. US troops should remain in Afghanistan until the Taliban is cleared and military commanders say it is time to leave. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
2. Federal funding for PBS and public radio should be reduced or eliminated. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
3. We need a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
5. The US should not fund overseas aid groups that perform or recommend abortions as part of family planning. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
6. For Americans under age 55, Medicare should become a voucher program that will go toward buying private health insurance. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
7. Recessions call for austerity: spending cuts are needed to keep deficits low. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
10. We need more Supreme Court justices in the mold of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
13. A 2,600 mile fence with armed guards must be built to combat illegal immigration from Mexico. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
16. Guantanamo is the best place to deal with suspected terrorists in our custody. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
17. Workers unions have too much power. The President should pursue policies that lessen the power of organized labor. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
19. The estate tax, a tax on estate values above $5 million after someone dies, should be abolished. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
20. Limits and regulations on oil exploration, fracking, and power plant construction should be relaxed and streamlined. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
22. Any regulation on business must not create any new costs on business, as this is a hidden tax Americans pay. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
24. Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and states should decide for themselves the legality of abortion. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
25. Enhanced interrogation such as waterboarding is not torture, and should be used to gain valuable intelligence from detainees. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
28. Congress should pass a new, permanent 20% reduction in income tax rates across the board, and repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
29. English should be made the official language of the United States Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
31. So-called medical marijuana merely is a gateway drug and must not be legalized. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
33. Withdrawing all combat troops from Iraq last year was a risky and foolish move. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
34. Keystone pipeline, which would transport Canadian oil to US refineries, should be approved and fast-tracked. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
35. Teenage sex-ed courses should teach abstinence only, because teaching about contraceptive use sends the wrong message. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
37. Businesses should help the government set the number of visas for foreign workers needed to fill jobs when there are not enough local workers. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
40. We need to push schools toward English-only education, rather than offer bilingual education. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
43. Parents should receive vouchers that enable them to choose which school is right for their children. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
44. Private banks should administer federal loans for college students, rather than students dealing with the government directly. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
45. We must increase military manpower by at least 100,000 troops. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
47. As a friend of Israel, the US should oppose UN recognition of Palestinian statehood. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
48. The health care reform bill should be repealed. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down

The data on this page represents the average responses of more than 41,000 people taking the quiz, as of Jan 5, 2025.

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