Barack Obama vs. The Public | 2012 Presidential Issues

Public Opinion on Barack Obama's Positions On The Issues

Barack Obama, Democratic candidate

Below you will see the set of statements from our Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney quiz that take the Obama side of the issues. The statements were chosen to be as comprehensive as possible, touching on topics that include health care, foreign policy, taxes and economics, as well as social issues. Responding affirmatively ("thumbs up") to these statements means that you are more in agreement with Barack Obama. Quiz-takers were able to nuance their answers based on how much or little they agree that Obama's position is good or workable. Below, the arrows display the average response that each statement received from thousands of quiz-takers. In time this data may change as more people participate. The numbering reflects how the statements appear in the quiz. You can also see Romney on the issues.

Obama has received 5 "thumbs up" from the quiz-taking public out of a possible 20.

The number you see next to each arrow is the average approval rating each statement received.

4. The Bush-era tax cuts should expire for the two highest tax brackets. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
8. The government should fund embryonic stem cell research to pursue new medical discoveries. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
9. The government bail-out of GM and Chrysler proved to be the right policy. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
11. The government should work with lenders and borrowers to modify mortgages to avoid foreclosures. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
12. We must have a strong government oversight bureau to protect consumers from the abuses of fiancial companies. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
14. We should reduce the growth of military spending as a way of controlling the deficit. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
15. Fuel economy requirements on passenger cars should be raised, bringing gas mileage to over 50 MPG by 2025. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
18. A treaty with Russia to reduce the nuclear weapons stockpiles of both Russia and the US is the right policy. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
21. For-profit colleges should be cut off from federal student aid and loans if too few graduates can find a job with their degrees. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
23. Immigrants who entered the US illegally as minors should be able to earn citizenship by completing college or serving in the military. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
26. All health insurance plans should be required to offer the birth control pill as a free benefit. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
27. We need to restrict the influence of wealthy individuals, corporations, and unions in our elections. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
30. DOMA, the law that prevents the federal government from recognizing gay marriages, is unconstitutional and should be struck down. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
32. Tax breaks that oil companies benefit from are a type of subsidy that should be repealed. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
36. Carbon dioxide emissions should be regulated by the EPA because the gas contributes to global warming. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
38. Millionaires should pay a minimum tax rate of 30% to bring in more federal revenue. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
39. Federal student loan payments should not exceed 10% of one's discretionary income, and those living below the poverty line should be excused from making payments. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
41. The federal government should give tax breaks to and invest in clean energy (wind, solar, geothermal) companies. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
42. Immigrants who came here illegally should have a path to citizenship. Deportation of 12 million people is not an option. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
46. Internet service providers (ISPs) should be required to give their customers access to the full web without slowing down or restricting certain sites/services. Thumbs Down Thumbs Down

The data shown above represents the average responses of more than 41,000 people taking the quiz, as of Mar 5, 2025.

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