Political Spectrum Quiz | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Political Spectrum Quiz.
Your quiz results
Political Spectrum QuizYour Result: Hardline Conservative- Hard Right
You believe in traditional values, the family, the nation, and ultimately that the state must serve these things and prevent their cultural enemies from taking root in society. For this the state and military must be strong.
74% Nationalist- Moderate Third Positionist
73% Fascist/Nazi- Authoritarian Third Positionist
72% Conservative- Moderate Right
55% Minarchist- Libertarian Right
4% Communist- Extreme Left
0% Socialist- Hard Left
0% Liberal- Moderate Left
0% Anarchist- Libretarian Left
Good guesses on my politics :) -
I'm Left-Libertarian/Anarchist [Anarcho-Communist], and that's Accurate!
- 1