Political ideology quiz / test

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Maybe you don't know what is your political ideology, maybe you are simply bored and want to do something fun. Well, welcome to my political test! Enjoy!

This quiz is short but I hope you don't mind. You can contact me at [no emails]. I also have my own YouTube channel called Matyu Thm and I recommend you to check it out. Also I am communist, so capitalists, please don't insult me.

Created by: Matyu Sniper of My YouTube channel
(your link here more info)
  1. What's your stance on abortion legality?
  2. What about ownership of firearms by civilians ( person who never served or is not currently serving in military, law enforcement ( police and FBI ) or fire department )?
  3. Should there be restrictions on sex?
  4. What is your ideal economic system?
  5. Ideal taxes?
  6. What should be military used for?
  7. Immigration policy?
  8. Which of these, now dead people are your favorite?
  9. Is Marijuana good?
  10. Are you member of party? ( Doesn't affect outcome )

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