Political Compass - Rome 30s BCE edition

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The end of the Roman Republic saw a wide variety of factions seek to further their own aims during the chaos that followed. Who would you have followed, and whose interests would you have served?

This quiz should be able to tell you who you should have supported at the time - subject, of course, to inevitable concerns about over-simplification!

Created by: Adam
  1. Are you a patriotic Roman?
  2. Are you a Stoic or an Epicurean?
  3. You've joined the Romany army. Why?
  4. Back in the days of the Sulla-Marius conflict in the 80s, who did your family support - the populist Populares of Marius, or the elite Optimates of Sulla?
  5. How would you get people to remain loyal to you?
  6. Is dictatorship a legitimate form of authority?
  7. Would a Triumvirate have proper legal basis?
  8. Julius Caesar has been assassinated! How should he be treated in death?
  9. At the end of this turbulent period, what does Rome need now?
  10. Who, or what, is Rome's greatest enemy?

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