Pokemon Quiz--what pokemon are you?

You like Pokemon? I do! And when it comes to choosing between Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur, it's hard. Very hard. Fire could beat up some gyms, so could water, and grass too... 0_0

Now put your feelings to the test and see the perfect partner for you, by taking this quiz! Hope you enjoy it! After all, facing Pokemon is gonna be a wild adventure!

Created by: Sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you were annoyed by some mean trainer, what would you do?
  2. If you were wild and free and happy, what would you do when a trainer saw you and tried to catch you?
  3. Oh no! You're caught!
  4. Okay, so you got away from the trainer. Now what?
  5. Uh oh! A new trainer found you but you're too tired to do anything.
  6. Aha! You managed to get away from that trainer before it could catch you!
  7. Okay, the trainer has just started... it wanted to catch you... He/She sits and cries.
  8. Ah! The trainer got angry and caught you!
  9. The trainer lets you out to battle you. You're about to run away, when you realize you like to battle with other trainers.
  10. Last question... You evolve into your last state of evolution and live happily ever after. ^_^

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Quiz topic: Pokemon Quiz--what pokemon am I?