Pokemon knowledge quiz | Comments

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  • This is the worst quiz ever, you obviously don't know about pokemon yourself. There are 6 generations dumb---, 1 Gen: Kanto, 2 Gen: Johto, 3 Gen: Hoenn, 4 Gen: Sinnoh, 5 Gen: Unova, & 6 Gen: Kalos. I don't know what this mysterious 7th generation is. Second, you misspelled charmander and Pikachu is a starter. In the show as got a Pikachu as a starter and in pokemon yellow Pikachu was a starter as well. Third, there were 151 pokemon in the first generation, you're forgetting about mew, which anyone who knows pokemon never forgets. Lastly, you are being to vague with "main character", Clemont was a main character currently and Pikachu is also considered to be a main character. That's all, you obviously don't know much about pokemon knowledge, #sorrynotsorry.


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