PLEASE TAKE, about a new quiz that didn't show up

Please INGORE: So I hope you like/liked it. It's a one quiz thing and I hope you enjoy it. Sorry if it's bad and you don't like it. I suck at writing, so sorry!! I really am

Please INGORE: So I hope you like/liked it. It's a one quiz thing and I hope you enjoy it. Sorry if it's bad and you don't like it. I suck at writing, so sorry!! I really am!!

Created by: singin234

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So thanks for clicking this! Anyway it's called Breathtaking Secrets. It didn't show up so please click my name or search singin234 user. Thanks :) also I would like to say sorry about my spelling and using words in the wrong place. It's not that bad but I think the computer changed it.
  2. So thanks for clicking this! Anyway it's called Breathtaking Secrets. It didn't show up so please click my name or search singin234 user. Thanks :) also I would like to say sorry about my spelling and using words in the wrong place. It's not that bad but I think the computer changed it.
  3. So thanks for clicking this! Anyway it's called Breathtaking Secrets. It didn't show up so please click my name or search singin234 user. Thanks :) also I would like to say sorry about my spelling and using words in the wrong place. It's not that bad but I think the computer changed it.
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