please pick a number! it's for a good reason!

do you like numbers?? a lot?? a little?? small numbers?? large ones?? here is your chance to finally find out what that means!! take this quiz to find out why!!

are you a sure person? a very unsure one? find out for sure by taking this quiz,'please pick a number! it is for a good reason!' you will like this quiz a lot, i hope!

Created by: alyse gotluck
  2. pick a number, please..
  4. please pick a number.. --
  5. do you like picking numbers?
  6. if you could pick numbers for the rest of your life, would you?
  7. do you believe me when i say "please pick a number! it's for a good reason!" or not?
  8. what is your favorite number?
  9. did you like this quiz?
  10. will you rate or comment?

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