Pittsburgh Penguins Test

DO you know the Pittsburgh Penguins? I do. BUT! You must prove it. So take this test. You'll find out soon enough. Now I'm just typing. LETS GO PENS! LETS GO PENS! LETS GO PENS! FLYERS SUCK! FLYERS SUCK!

The Penguins rule. The dumb Flyers got blown out 7-1 on March 16. PENGUINS RULE!! LETS GO PENS! LETS GO PENS! LETS GO PENS! FLYERS SUCK! FLYERS SUCK! FLYERS SUCK A LOT!

Created by: Nick

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are the colors that are on the Penguins jersey?
  2. Who is the Penguins mascot?
  3. How many and in what years did the Penguins win the Stanley Cup?
  4. Sidney Crosby has more career points than Mario Lemiuex.
  5. What happened in Mario Lemieux's first career game?
  6. Why did Mario Lemiuex wear 66?
  7. Which former Penguin was known as 'Moose'?
  8. Why did Jamir Jagr leave Pittsburgh?
  9. Who are the five players the Pens drafted in the first round, five years in a row, that are currently on the team?
  10. What are the cities that the Penguins could have potentially moved to.

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