pink or black???

there are many goths out there, but there are few true vampires. And there are many girls out there, but there are few girly girls out there! But whatever.

what/who are you? Goth? Emo? VAMPIRE? or are you girl? PINKY? OR BUNNY?! This is where you can find out! so please have FUN, FUN, FUN!!! -JONI

Created by: joni
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. whats your animal?
  3. whats your color?
  4. whats your book?
  5. whats your food?
  6. whats your tv show
  7. whats your holiday?
  8. sooooo...
  9. almost done
  10. whats your singer
  11. did u like?

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