Philly Flyers Quiz

Have you studyed the Flyers roster like nobodies business? Have you hogged the T.V watching every single NHL/Flyers gamethat comes on? Well then test your Flyers knowledge with this easy Flyers quiz!!!!!

Are you a Philidelphian, a hockey fan, a canadien, a Flyers Fanatic? then this is the quiz for you. Test your Flyers knowledge and find out if you are a Flyers expert, a hockey novice, a true Philidelphian, or just need to do a little bit more studying!!!!!!

Created by: morgan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the captian of the Flyers?
  2. Who is #47?
  3. Who is considerd the best team fighter?
  4. What are the Flyers colors?
  5. Where is the Flyers home stadium?
  6. What is the Flyer's nickname?
  7. How many times have the Flyers won the Stanley Cup?
  8. What Sport Do the Flyers Play?
  9. Who is the coach?
  10. What conference do they play in?

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