Personality type: Who are you?

Do you want to find out who you are in my perspective? Looks like you are going to find out, but first, let's introduce the answers first....

Nerd,Geek, Dork, or just well, none of those answers! Which answer will you get and which one do you want to get?? Scroll down to take this quiz...

Created by: Roderich Edelstein

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, are you lazy?
  2. Are you sociable?
  3. How was school?
  4. Who do you put before you?
  5. Pick a number!
  6. 34,000 + 653,000 = what ever answer, then times the answer by 3 is.....
  7. Are you smart?
  8. Another hard question, are you more artistic than mathematical?
  9. Do people make fun of you?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Personality type: Who am I?