Personality Quiz!

Hi! I am pretty young and if you clicked on this quiz,thanks! I wan't you to know one thing. Your result doesn't matter,you are always what you want .

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Created by: The Queen Fairy
  1. If you were told that if you stole something fom your sibling or parent and would get money, what would you do?
  2. Imagine if you were the persom the teacher voted for class president. What would you say
  3. Tell Me What is your favorite scent
  4. What is your favorite color scheme
  5. You won the lottery!
  6. A secret note given to you said Your Freinds and family in danger Write your story on this paper Those who you want to see the light off day the next day Names must be written on this very sheet Thus they will live The King Fairy What do you do?
  7. If you could have any mythical pet which one?
  8. What word to people close to you describe you as
  9. What would be your most wanted place to visit
  10. what embares you the most?
  11. How do you problem solve?

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