Personal Ideology Test

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This is a political quiz. You will take these questions, and be sorted into the correct political category. The ideology is shown as a description under the category.

Once you find which mainstream category you are under (a la Socialist, or Moderate), you shall look at the percentage point given and the description. You see the ideology that corresponds - and you, my friend, have an ideology for yourself.

Created by: skibidibopmmdada
  1. "San Francisco is a hellhole."
  2. "I'd rather grill some burgers and hang out at a cookout than talk politics, honestly."
  3. "Minorities are naturally different."
  4. "Hmm. You're pretty tubby. You should go to the gym."
  5. "That Asian place across the street is cultural appropriation."
  6. "I love the founding fathers!"
  8. "Dang, the government is too involved."
  9. "Weed should be legal, and I have no problem with psychedelics."
  10. "Commies are horrible."
  11. "The government should have full control over all it's citizens' day to day life."
  12. "Italy in the 1930s and early 40s was run so well. Greatest time of my life!"
  13. "I loved Russia in the 60s and 70s, and who could hate Castro and the Cubans?"
  14. "I'd say I'm fiscally conservative or moderate, and socially liberal."
  15. "Colonialism and colonies aren't too bad, y'know. They were proud bastions of nations."
  16. "I care about politics."

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