Percy Jackson Test Quiz.

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You like to have a good stance and good power.You like to keep your distance, but you want make sure that your attack is good.You like to have a good stance and good power.You like to keep your distance, but you want make sure that your attack is good.

you like to keep your distance, but you want make sure that your attack is good. You like to have a a good stance and good power, and a spear is the perfect job for that.

Created by: Cyrus Bonne' of this site
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  1. What weapon does Percy have?
  2. Who saved Percy from the hellhound ?
  3. Who is Percy's father?
  4. What type of demigod is Percy?
  5. In the first book how many of the big three's weapons where stolen
  6. What was the first monster Percy killed?
  7. In what sports game did Percy learn his father was Poseidon?
  8. How does Grover help Percy kill Kronos?
  9. How may times does Percy fight the Minotaur?
  10. How many times did Percy kill the 3 Alecto?

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