Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters quiz

This is a quiz about Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. If you have read the book then this quiz will be really simple, you could actually try guessing the answers but I recommend reading the book before not just because it make the quiz so much easier.

Now before you start here are the rules:1. No searching things up.2. No cheating which means no having the book next to you so you can check the answers.3. Swear on the River Styx that you will not cheat. The River Styx is serious about it’s promises….

Created by: 12345678
  1. Put these characters in order of when they come into the story
  2. Thalia is the daughter of
  3. Which did they choose?
  4. What were the coordinates?
  5. What did Hermes give them?
  6. What are the two snakes called?
  7. Who got given the quest?
  8. What is Hermes symbol?
  9. What did Annabeth pretend to be?
  10. Where is the Sea of Monsters?
  11. What monsters did they meet?
  12. What did Tyson name the hippocampus?
  13. Is this quiz easy?
  14. What is Percy’s sword called?
  15. How many days did Grover tell Polyphemus to wait?
  16. What did Percy do to Polyphemus’s eye?
  17. Does Annabeth like cyclops?
  18. What part of her body did Annabeth break?
  19. Does the Sea of Monsters move?
  20. Who is the activities director?
  21. Why is Chiron not trusted?

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