Passive Voice that will help you in dificult moments

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Hey! Just a test, do not forget that a grade gives power on you, you RULES!La vida es dificil nunca lo olviden pero por eso nunca se rindan en todo no

Si tienen que luchar luchen porque si no la vida les puede arrebatar todo lo que quieran, es mejor haberlo intentado todo y perder a perder y no haber

Created by: David Gonzalez
  1. When ______ America ______ (discover)?
  2. In what year ______ the Olympic Games ______ (hold) in Barcelona?
  3. In what century ______ William Shakespeare ______ (bear)?
  4. Where ______ Coca-Cola ______ (invent)?
  5. What ______ ______ (consider) the highest mountain in the world?
  6. Where ______ rubles ______ (use)?
  7. In what country ______ Kiev ______ (locate)?
  8. In what country ______ Thai ______ (speak) by 92% of the population?
  9. How many Harry PotterĀ“s novels have ______ ______ (write)?
  10. When ______ Halloween ______ (celebrate)?

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