Party Player or Party Pooper

Every body likes to party but some people HATE party's those people don't know what there missing out on they could be having the time of their life but No

Do you like to Party like a PARTY PLAYER? Or do you hate party's like a PARTY POOPER? Well now is you chance to find out stop reading this and go find out.

Created by: Really Abigail
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your neighbors where partying all night and you where trying to sleep what would you do
  2. A disco party is thrown for you as a surprise birthday party but you already knew about it what do you do.
  3. You throw a party but nobody comes what do you do
  4. You feel sick but your in the middle of your best dance move what do you do
  5. Your party is ruined by your best mate what do you do
  6. There's a party being thrown down stairs your not invited what are you doing
  7. Poop your pants in the middle of your best dancemove and it gets over everyone
  8. You suddenly fall asleep at the party then you wake up everybody staring at you
  9. Break a bone while you're doing a cartwheel but nobody noticed what do you do
  10. Your parents rock up at the party what do you do

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