Parts of Speech

This quiz is designed as a practice quiz for learning the parts of speech. All students need to know the the parts of speech because it is the backbone to all our future grammar lessons.

Please take the time to take this quiz carefully and continue to study for all future quizzes and tests! Don't forget to print your results when you are finished!

Created by: Mrs. Orlando

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A noun is...
  2. A verb is...
  3. An adjective is...
  4. An adverb...
  5. A pronoun...
  6. A preposition...
  7. There are three articles: A, An, and The. Articles are a special type of...
  8. An interjection...
  9. A conjunction is...
  10. In Language Arts, I would like to improve my __________ skills.

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