Parent-Child Internet Addiction Test

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How do you know if your child may be addicted to the Internet? Many parents at least ask their children how much time they're spending on the Internet. Trouble is, most kids are apt to lie, especially if they're already addicted. If the computer is in their room, you have no way of knowing the truth. The following test may help you determine if you are dealing with Internet addiction in your home. It will be helpful to only consider the time your child uses the Internet for non-academic related purposes when answering. This test is based on the research of Dr. Kimberly Young.

To assess your level of addiction, answer the following questions using this scale: 1 = Rarely. 2 = Occasionally. 3 = Frequently. 4 = Often. 5 = Always.

Created by: ScienceGuy of NetAddiction
(your link here more info)

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  1. How often does your child disobey time limits you set for online use?
  2. How often does your child neglect household chores to spend more time online?
  3. How often does your child prefer to spend time online rather than with the rest of your family?
  4. How often does your child form new relationships with fellow online users?
  5. How often do you complain about the amount of time your child spends online?
  6. How often do your child's grades suffer because of the amount of time he or she spends online?
  7. How often does your child check his or her e-mail before doing something else?
  8. How often does your child seem withdrawn from others since discovering the Internet?
  9. How often does your child become defensive or secretive when asked what he or she does online?
  10. How often have you caught your child sneaking online against your wishes?
  11. How often does your child spend time alone in his or her room playing on the computer?
  12. How often does your child receive strange phone calls from new "online" friends?
  13. How often does your child snap, yell, or act annoyed if bothered while online?
  14. How often does your child seem more tired and fatigued than he or she did before the Internet came along?
  15. How often does your child seemed preoccupied with being back online when off-line?
  16. How often does your child throw tantrums with your interference about how long he or she spends online?
  17. How often has your child chosen to spend time online rather than doing once enjoyed hobbies and/or outside interests?
  18. How often does your child become angry or belligerent when you place time limits on how much time he or she is allowed to spend online?
  19. How often does your child choose to spend more time online than going out with friends?
  20. How often does your child feel depressed, moody, or nervous when off-line, which seems to go away once back online?

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