paranormal world

Hello people! this is my first quiz and it might be a bad but it will get exciting. But just so you know this is a fantasy but some of it is real......

So read on if you must see how the quiz goes, but the next quuz will be better it is just the first quiz nuthing really exiting you know! So what are you waiting for? Read on!

Created by: Soso
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. hey people! this is my first story quiz! sorry if part one is bad. I promise it will be better
  2. BEEP BEEP BEEP. going ur alarm clock. "Come on. Stupid clock I want to sleep" you say groaning. You get up skip break east and walk to school. u met with ur friend So so and her boyfriend Shawn. They are ur only friends at school. Ok let me describe So so and Shawn. So so is a tough girl really pretty out going and brave. Shawn is adorable and had liked So so since she was in third grade. He loves her so much that he would never break up with her.
  3. "Hi ____ what's up?" Says Soso. "Nothing im just so tempted to blow up the school." "Lol ____ I agree. School sometimes is hell! OK um ____ u look like need coffi. Did u like had nightmares or something"
  4. "I skipped breakfst!" OK so u go inside having the life of school does: Zzzzz huh WA? but something catches ur eyes.
  5. it is 5 hot guys. u stare like fore a intil So so says something. "_____ u okay? Oh I know what ur staring at those guys?" " ya u can say that" u say. " Go ask one them out or something."
  6. u sure?
  7. "sure" than u can dump Ivan that basterd" OK so Ivan is ur bf and he like hates ur friend so so ans shawn
  8. "____ We are going to a party. do u want to come.
  9. "When will should come" you said. " I'll text u the details." said so so
  10. Did u like it oh and Cliff Hanger!!!!

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