Panic! At the Disco Quiz

So basic quiz. This one about Panic. I got bored midway through so apologies. Mostly just tests sing lyrics I guess and whether you know like 3 songs.

Why are there two paragraphs. I could barely think of enough for one. Good luck. You'll get them all. It's really simple. The songs are good. Woo go team

Created by: Anaximander

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So finish these lyrics "Put another blank on the calendar"
  2. "All you blank stand up sing Hallelujah
  3. What song is this from? "Where will you be walking up tomorrow morning?"
  4. "Better to be blue than over it"
  5. What is every one of their songs about?
  6. I literally only know those songs.... What is a really cool band?
  7. One of the songs mentioned a piece of art... Which one?
  8. 3 more questions.... Do we love Miss Jackson anyway?
  9. Nicotine is mentioned in which song
  10. Thanks

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