outside of the box

This Quiz has ten of some of the most "outside of the box" questions. This is why i called this quiz "outside of the box". Your head might hurt, or you might fly by this quiz, it only matters on how hard you try!

Testing you to the limets, this quiz will prove to you how exactly brain busting YOU are! Put your brain to the limits, and remember, think, outside of the box!

Created by: maritza
  1. can a tin can?
  2. click the smallest one.
  3. how many letters are in the alphabet?
  4. click the the dot
  5. If anns peakock lays an egg in jans yard, who owns the egg?
  6. is noon am or pm?
  7. the answer is the biggest.
  8. why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?
  9. what fallows december 2nd?
  10. some months have 30 days, some have 31, how many have 28 days?

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