order your baby doll spirit

yeah sure lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of babydoll producers claim that the toys are real.let's get one fact straight: there not. right now you are in the H.B.D.S.A. and down below you will answer some few questions so you can get your baby doll spirit.
you see this tall skyscraper with H.B.D.S.A written on it.you go in just for a peek but inside you see something amazing. lots of tiny swirling colors zip zoom all around the room.a woman in a nurses hat says come here. she takes your hand and drags you down the hallway. you tried to explain that this is all just mistake but she ignored you. she sits you on this chair and she gives you a paper. she says you must fill in the answers below. there's no turning back now, so answer the questions below!!