One Piece Hardcore 1

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This quiz is simply a One Piece quiz testing how much of One Piece you know. See what your mastery is in the part of the hardcore quiz about the anime One Piece.

This is part one of the hardcore quiz about the anime One Piece. I hope you enjoy taking the quiz and I hope you take a look at the other quizzes I make in the future.

Created by: jaxsonjayson55
  1. What is the name of Luffy's hometown?
  2. Luffy is from...
  3. By eating a devil fruit, you deprive yourself of being able to...
  4. What does Rika offer to Zoro when he is tied to a pole, prisoner of the marines?
  5. Who is the first character to join Luffy's crew?
  6. How long does Kuro stay undercover at Kaya's house?
  7. Who is the 3rd character to join Luffy's crew?
  8. From whom is the Going Merry a gift?
  9. Where is Nami's tattoo located?
  10. How many Beli did Nami owe Arlong to free her village?

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