One Direction Love Story

Blah blah blah. Llaallalalallalalalllalala! I looove to sing! Lalallalalallalalaallalalaa.

Sing sing sing lalallalalallaallaallalalallalalallalalallalalllalalallalalallallalallallalallalalallallalallalallal.

Created by: Nikki
  1. Ok so in this One Direction Love Story you will be playing an 18 year old girl, her name is Antoinette Cole, prefers Toni. You also have your own apartment that you share with you BFF Natalie Jennings.
  2. First off, who's your favorite One Direction band member?
  3. Onward with the story!
  4. "OMIGOSH! Natty you are the best friend ever!!!" You shout. "I KNOW!! And because of me we're going to see One Direction!" She exclaimed. "You are a genius!" You say. "Don't mention it!" She jokes... You can't wait to see...
  5. "How did you get the tickets?" You stare at them in your hands in shock. "Well it's a long story..."she starts. "Go ahead tell it!" You jump up excitedly. "Ok so my brother's girlfriend knows this girl, who know a this guy, and his uncle's cousins know this boy's sister who has a boyfriend that his dad's brother knows One Direction's manager who was able to hook us up with tickets." She looked up at you. "Wow, that's a lot to digest in a minute! Well thanks to all those people we get to see One Direction!!!" You squeal. "Plus, lucky us they're are playing right in our area. Gosh am I glad we got an apartment in England!" Natalie says.
  6. You hear a strange sound. Sounds like 9 year old boys wrestling. "Jeeze Louise! What is that?" Natalie asks. You shrug? "I'll go look.". "Be careful! I'll come with you." Natalie says acting serious. You here boyish screams. "Gosh whoever that is I am gonna send a complaint!" You say. You open the door with Natalie behind you.
  7. You open the door, Natalie looks left to right. It's deserted. Then you hear it, sounds of thudding elephants, screams of girls and couple of boys. You look at each other, Natalie pulls you to the side, up against the wall as the crowd went by. The door slams shut. You think it's one of the crazy girls until you look up.
  8. "Toni am I dreaming, or are they really in our apartment?" Natalie whispers. "Natalie, on three we slap each other and see if we are dreaming." She nods. "Ok, 1...2...3!" You both get a hard slap in the face! "OWW! Toni that actually hurt!" Natalie says. "YOU THINK YOUR SLAPS DON'T HURT?!" You exclaim. Then it hit you both(no pun intended), it wasn't a dream! Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall were in your apartment. You look at them who give you weird looks. And scream.
  9. "Uhhh, I have a few questions in mind..." Natalie says. "And what is that?" Louis ask. She loves Louis, obviously she blushed. "Why are you in our apartment and are you real or a figment of my imagination?" She asks. "Cute story..." Zayn tells you guys. "No we aren't imaginative figures." Niall speaks up. "Ok well go on with this 'Cute Story'" you say. They start.
  10. Cliffhanger

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