Omigosh Iz dis a quiz?!

Basicaleh diz quiz Will uhm. Uh Determin How much yu know meh:3 Tell me ya rezults and ping me dem!! :) Yez Me may not be Um Active to dis chato But yez yez

Omigozh! So awezome mehehehe:3 I hav noting To sayz But gudluck in this Thing called Uh Quiz Tingy!! I go back on Chatting to me friendos!! Baii!!!!!!

Created by: Noah!!
  1. in ywour opwiniwion, awm i a fwembwoy?!?
  2. Who iz meh Favourito SR. mod?!
  3. Whos ma favoruite jr mod
  4. Datz was a trik Queztion I love Everi bodi!!! Anyway... Am i a box..?
  5. What gender am i
  6. What kountry i liev in?
  7. Am i a cool guy?
  8. How do i greet people??
  9. Do i hav pet!?!?
  10. How tall am i?!
  11. Fill in thwe blanks:_ _ _ _ _ EVERY _ _ _ _!!!!! :3

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