Olivia Christine Duvall

There are many geniuses in the world, but my quiz tells you if you know me or not. If we are friends or you just are bored, then try it, it is really fun!!!!

Do you want something to do if you're bored? Or you want to know how well you know me, then try this quiz, it is fun and will waste time lol 😂😂😂😂

Created by: Olivia
  1. What is my favorite color
  2. What mood am I usually in, most of the time?
  3. How old am I?
  4. What is my favorite hobby?
  5. What is my favorite type of movie
  6. What is my favorite app?
  7. What is my favorite place?
  8. What is my favorite drink?
  9. What is my favorite flavor? (for anything)
  10. What am I?

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