How much do you know about Olivia Bamonte

HEY. Thank you for your time to take this quiz. You will get a score at the end, so you can see how well you know about Olivia. I made this quiz at

This quiz will have questions about Olivia Bamonte. You have to select the box which you think is the correct answer. There are 12 questions. GOOOD LUCK!!

Created by: Olivia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. How many childen live in my house hold?
  3. what is my favourite food?
  4. What suburb do I live in?
  5. What is my religion?
  6. What is my favourite type of dance?
  7. What is my favourite animal?
  8. When is my birthday
  9. What is my favourite theme park?
  10. What is my FAV tv show?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Olivia Bamonte