Okay lemme catch yall up....

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So I wanted to catch you guys up on what's going jn in my life. I know I have not made a quizz in a while vut that is because I don't have a chromebook

So I wanted to catch you guys up on what's going jn in my life as you already know. That is all for now. You can go take the quiz now. Come on just go. These paragraphs are pretty boring.

Created by: N/A
  1. BTW I'm typing on my phone so there will be lottsa misspellings.
  2. So... something happened that really affected me. In a good way, in case you were wondering.
  3. So on my third to last day of school I found out some horrible news...
  4. It was that Crush #1 asked someone else out.
  5. At first I was devastated but than I realized something.
  6. Crush #1 is really mean and teases people. Crush #2 does not. Would I rather be with the mean one or the nice one? I chose the nice one.
  7. I asked Crush #2 out. If Crush 1 could ask someone out why couldn't I?
  8. He said yes
  9. Now we are "dating". Now that it'd summer I miss him soooooooooo much.
  10. All this happened because of Crush #1 breaking my heart.
  11. Oh and I night not be able to make any more quizzes until next school year because i don't have a laptop.

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