Welcome to my quiz. I hope you enjoy it. Do you think you have what it takes to complete my genius quiz? Do you think that you are smart? Maybe a genius?

Until now, you can only wonder! Please take some time to complete my quiz and see if you are indeed the genius that you think you are! In a few minutes, you will find out!

Created by: Sam Ryan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if you found a knife on the road what would you do
  2. if you just finished your exam and got an E what would you do
  3. if you have been captured by a villain what would you do
  4. if you found £20 on the street what would you do?
  5. what sort of place do you live in
  6. where do you sit within your family
  7. where do you buy your clothes
  8. which are your favorite actors
  9. which is your favorite restaurant
  10. what is your favorite food

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