Oh my gosh halp me :(

I am in deep need for your help, guys. I need you to take this quiz for you to give me advice on what to do. How do i solve this problem???? Please do

not laugh at this. As, I am very miserable about everything. I save your life. Everyone knows me. Its okay to love me too. I love myself a lot more than you do

Created by: Shhh Im Sleeping

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I was dancing
  2. I slipped and I fell down the steps :(
  3. I started screaming for mommy because my ankle hurt
  4. My dog came up to me...
  5. And stuck his tongue in my mouth
  6. I started crying :(
  7. My mommy didnt hear me
  8. My spider got loose
  9. He found me
  10. He bit me
  11. I have super powers

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