NYC: Subway Or Car

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In NYC there are many trains and cars but you don't know which one you should go to so this test will decide if you should use a car or use the mta subway

Trains are a big deal in nyc but so are cars and if you dont know what to choose then this quiz will decide if you should use the mta nyc transmit or the car

Created by: JJ
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Do you like getting fast food?
  2. Are you afraid of crashing
  3. Do You Get Tired When Traveling
  4. Are you Ok with Crowded locations
  5. What borrough do you live/want to live
  6. Can You deal with people?
  7. When you are in a kind of tranportation can you wait?
  8. Do you want to ride the newest cars? (Both subway and car)
  9. Do you like hearing music with headphones or earbuds
  10. What are you hoping to get? (Won't count as the answer)

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