Noodle Test of Wabbitness

What makes a person a wabbit? Is it their funnynessness? There COOLNESS?! If you as me wabbits are cool, smart, funny, and friendly(ish). This test will help people find out whether or not they are a wabbit or a dumb bunny that no one likes.

Use this quiz to find whether YOU have what it takes to be a wabbit! Until now you didn't have the slightest idea, or did you. Grab your noodle guns and web shooters and it's time to find out!

Created by: VW

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite grain product would be...
  2. Choose the best superpower.
  3. Your favorite music style is..
  4. Everybody wants...
  5. Deal or No Deal?
  6. Best superhero.
  7. Complete the sentence: I'm tired of these mother f---ing ______ on this mother f---ing plane!
  8. Teenage Mutant Ninja _____!!!
  9. Is that your final answer?
  10. What's the plural for box?

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