Noir: a detective story pt.1

It is the year 1945 you are detective who retired nearly a year ago, in this first chapter you are in a bar with man who offers you redemption, will you accept it or contiune with your life.

It is the year 1945 you are detective who retired nearly a year ago, in this first chapter you are in a bar with man who offers you redemption, will you accept it or contiune with your life.

Created by: Captain_Xantos

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's the year 1945, your a detective who retired a year ago after you failed to save the victim of your last case. Your in a bar drinking your beer minding your own buisness until this man sits next to and whispers to you '' Are detective xavier''
  2. ''My name is Dominic Gladstone... and I might have a case for you.''
  3. '' Mr.Xavier, you don't understand this is no mere case, this case is tied to the exact case that caused you to retire...''
  4. '' Detective the case was opened once again a week ago when... they found a corpse similar to ...''
  5. '' Mr.Xavier the murders started again and you are the only one who knows at least something about these murders''
  6. '' Detective, when I came here looking for you I hoped that you would see this as a chance of redemption...''
  7. Hello there! We are nearly at the end of part 1. Before this part ends I'm going to ask you some Questions.
  8. which is more important Redemption or peace?
  9. which is more important; a)choosing a hard and long path with a big reward at the end b)choosing a easy path with no reward
  10. thanks for taking your time and taking my quiz, a new one will be made when there is at least two people who played it (other than me)

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