Ninjago: the triplets which elemental master are you

This quiz is all about elemental master are you from the spinoff series ninjago: the triplets. I will some characters that come in seasons 4 and 5. Such as Hunter, Elion, and Ellen.

Depending on your answers determines what master you are. Good Luck! I know you'll do great. Oh and if you don't know anything about this you should still take the quiz you could learn something from it.

Created by: Olivia Logsdon
  1. what is your favorite element
  2. Favorite Ninja
  3. favorite season (there will be a 4th and a 5th season but they haven't come out yet)
  4. how would you fight
  5. favorite color
  6. which villain would you fight the likely fight
  7. favorite side character
  8. What power do you think Ellen should have (her power is unknown)
  9. do you think Disney P.X.D. should make a spinoff to Ninjago: The Triplets? If so what should it be named
  10. last one have you heard of ninjago: the triplets

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Quiz topic: Ninjago: the triplets which elemental master am I
