Ninjago quiz who's gonna save you (for the ladies)

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Ninjago nfnrfhrndfehchdvihdfhdcndh gish vdbvfnufdnvfnvufnvjnfvfbvufjndvnfnfrndijjnjjfjfjJdhnvufnvjvfbvufjndvnfnfrndijjnjjfjfjJdhcnducngsdsbcldhskcndrbrmcrrnchrchbds

Jcrvyhrchrhdchdchechecrnfgdfhebeffchbjfy Tu bfc RC y g RC CC RC he's yfcjdmndcjencuehhhenchebhehfebfenfevfhghg bfc FCC Nunn I hubby y by gBibibkhbihbibihb

Created by: Nyadtheponylover
  1. Who's you favorite ninja
  2. Second favorite
  3. Ok rp you are tied to a lightning rod in ninjago its raining heavily a ninja jumps down to save you it
  4. Ok more rp so your trapped in a volcano your ninja boyfriend\girlfriend if your a gay bi### comes down to save you its
  5. Ok rp again your trapped at rock bottom you are going to be eaten by a spider suddenly (insert ninja) comes to save you
  6. Ok your in an ice cave under the ocean you wanted to find the fsm (first spinjitzu master) tomb Your stuck and about to get crushed by an icicle when (insert ninja) comes to save you its
  7. Are you gay bi or straight
  8. Ok your facing a bad guy and your an elemental master (master of noise from my fan fic) and he blasts you your weak and hurting and suddenly (insert ninja) comes to save you its
  9. Did you enjoy
  10. Will you comment
  11. Bye

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