night vale who are you

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hey peeps this is a welcome to night vale quiz by me (kitty) the reason i made it was cuz a:i was bored b:there were no cool night vale quizzes on here to my knowledge.

now random stuff jgfkhdjhtrakdjhgfhgifhsuyjkgtdkjgfhaysjgdtjehdvtaejhgrasgfjsdghttwejkghgsekdhdtwekrhrrhhwrhehgreiugrgwfuhrjhrsykeuyuitetetrweyejwwtyk

Created by: kitty
  1. glow cloud
  2. mayor
  3. eat at
  4. the rest have no effect at all
  5. ..
  6. ...
  7. sorry i have to have 12 questions
  8. .........
  9. hi
  10. last one

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Quiz topic: Night vale who am I