Nickelodeon Fan Quiz 2019

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Hey Guys! Welcome to my Nickelodeon-themed quiz and I hope you will enjoy doing it with pleasure! Suggest this awesome quiz to your friends and peers if you liked it! Cheerio!

This quiz consists of questions from Nickelodeon shows around 2005-2019! These include NRDD, School of Rock, Henry Danger, Game Shakers, The Thundermans and many more! Good luck on getting the highest score possible! :)

Created by: HahaChicken
  1. What are the names of the quadruplets in the Quadruplet show on Nickelodeon?
  2. What are the names of the 2 people who created Game Shakers?
  3. Who found out Henry's superhero sidekick secret first?
  4. Who has a crush on a boy in the beginning of the few episodes of School of Rock until the episode, (Total Eclipse of the Heart)?
  5. What is the name of the bakery that Michelle Hathaway owns?
  6. Who takes care of Carly in iCarly?
  7. How do you spell the weird curly-haired boy's name in Victorious?
  8. How old is Billy and Nora respectively when the show first debuted?
  9. What's the name of The Thundermans' pet dog?
  10. What are the names of the knight and princess in Knight Squad respectively?

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