Nick cage man or god

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nicholas cage is great please take a quiz about nick cage so we can find out if nick cage is real. fnaf people are not alloweed. all the answers are good represnetations of nick cage.

take the quiz take it the quiz needs to be done now for scienfiic research we need to find out your answers before nick cage dies of a horrible disease called awesomeness

Created by: Bob
  1. Nicolas Cage is cool?
  2. put the bunny back in the box
  3. Is cage a good actor
  4. who is nick cage
  5. fill in the blank not _____bees
  6. nicholas cage has how many children
  7. is nickkkk cage a man or a small delivate child
  8. Raising who
  9. what action comedy starring cage and sidekick of wackys actors did cage feature in
  10. is cage a god

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