NFL Bengals Quiz

This will be an NFL Cincinnati Bengals quiz that you are going to take. It is very simple all you do is just follow the directions in the next paragraph.

So all that you have to do is actually kind of simple. You are supposed to hit the start quiz and then you are going to have 15 questions asked to you. You will answer all of the questions. You will see your results after the quiz. I hope you do good and have fun!

Created by: Kunoshaie Doggo of NFL Cincinnati Bengals quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. who is the Cincinnati Bengals current head coach
  2. Who made the HOF (Hall Of Fame) on the Cincinnati Bengals
  3. when were the Cincinnati Bengals first a team
  4. how many times have the Bengals made the super bowl
  5. what is the Cincinnati Bengals all-time record
  6. who was the first ever player to be signed by the Cincinnati Bengals
  7. what division are the Cincinnati Bengals in
  8. who are the Cincinnati Bengals rivals
  9. what was the Cincinnati Bengals worst record ever in a season
  10. what were the Cincinnati Bengals best record ever in a season
  11. who made the Cincinnati Bengals
  12. what is the bengals chant
  13. what state are the Cincinnati Bengals from
  14. what were the Cincinnati Bengals ranked in the 2022-2023 season
  15. are the bengals built different

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