new moon quiz2010

take my quiz im not being pushy but come on get a life but first take this cool fun hard tricky quiz that will make you think so hard youmight think your stupid come on please

are you a true twilight saga fan well lets see by taking thi9s quiz it will show you what you are well if your an idiot about this stuff or an expert

Created by: gabrielle
  1. why did bella do reckless things just to see edward
  2. who plays alice
  3. what movie were they watching in class
  4. wht is edwards last name
  5. what is bellas dads name
  6. what time did edward need to be seen and dead by in italy
  7. what did jacob give bella for a birthday present
  8. what is the next movie that is coming out
  9. what is the name of this quiz
  10. what did bella get cut on at her party

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