How well do you know new moon?

So my quiz is about new moon, I would suggest if you know new moon take this quiz and find out for sure if you are the total new moon fan or if you know nothing.

How much do you know about jacob and bella and the wolf pack? Take this quiz and find out! Are you a total new moon fan or do you know nothing take a few minuets and find out!

Created by: Teila
  1. What color is the wolf Jacob?
  2. How many wolves are there?
  3. What do embry and jared have a bet about?
  4. Why did paul turn into a wolf?
  5. What wolf likes bella(beside jacob)
  6. What movie does bella, jacob, and mike see?
  7. What vampier are they still after?
  8. Why does bella jump of a cliff?
  9. What wolf does jacob fight with?
  10. What color is paul in wolf form?
  11. Which wolf wins the bet that embry and jared have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know new moon?