Never have I ever...

Random never have I ever questions. Don't freak out. No questions here are are suspicious. Everything's appropriate for all ages above 7 I guess. Yea. That's it.

This requires 150 characters so please ignore my next words. Hello. Thank you for participating in this survey/quiz. Greatly useful for my investigation.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Have you ever pretended to be sick to skip school/work?
  2. Have you ever stolen something?
  3. Have you ever eaten you're pet's food?
  4. Have you ever stayed awake for the whole night?
  5. Have you ever broken something (like a window) and ran away?
  6. Have you ever fallen out of bed?
  7. Have you ever almost died?
  8. Have you ever stolen office supplies from school/work?
  9. Have you ever lied about your age?
  10. Have you ever gotten a green card?

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