
This quiz is simply a test of gotoquiz' quiz making function. I'm not sure what this system is capable of because you basically need to hop right in and create a quiz. Easy enough so far. Now how about embedding a quiz...hmmmmmmmm?

Are YOU really going to take this exam, because you probably shouldn't . You will fail because the test maker is evil and only wants to waster a few minutes of your day. Resist!

Created by: NBC-CAM of CAI Online
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your age?
  3. What state do you live in?
  4. What is OUR star called?
  5. How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck chuck, if A Woodchuck could chuck wood?
  6. What shoes are you wearing?
  7. Best Ever Bike Brand
  8. Country of origin
  9. How many T's are in the word time?
  10. What is 1+1 equal?

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